Liking or commenting

Back in the day, there were usually comments on my posts, e.g. the one on the Book of Gilgamesh, which had 50, and  Time Consumes, Art Distils , which had 12.

These days there are no comments, only Likes, by bloggers I’m following or have seen my posts on Facebook, Instagram or X Twitter.

You’ll notice there’s no invitation to Like any more. I’ve a suspicion that many Likes have acted as an invitation to readers to click and see their own blogs. I’ve no problem with that, but now you’ll have no choice but to make comments relevant to the post in question.

You may be interested in a long-ago post,

which says this

Let things take their own course,
Knowing the essence can neither go nor stay.

Obey the nature of things,
And you are in concord with the Way,
Calm and easy and free from care. *

Thoughts that are fettered turn from Truth,
Sink into the unwise habit of not liking.

Not liking brings weariness of spirit,
And aversion serves to no purpose.


Best wishes always, from Vincent

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