Our Trip to Brussels in 2016

On 22 March 2016, two coordinated terrorist attacks in and close to Brussels, Belgium, were carried out by the Islamic State (IS). Two suicide bombers detonated bombs at Brussels Airport in Zaventem just outside Brussels, and one detonated a bomb on a train leaving Maelbeek/Maelbeek metro station in the European Quarter of Brussels. Thirty-two people were killed and more than 300 were injured. Three perpetrators also died. A third airport attacker fled the scene without detonating his bomb, which was later found in a search of the airport. A second metro attacker also fled, taking his bomb with him. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks. (Wikipedia)

As this post says, I phoned the travel agent about the holiday we’ve booked next month in Brussels. I said it didn’t feel like fun any more, could we cancel? Certainly, she said, but we can’t give you any refund, as it’s less than three weeks away. So I said there’s no point in cancelling, we’ll just leave it open.

As a commenter said “I would think most people (outside of a customer service environment) would understand that a desire to cancel implied a desire for a refund.” So we took the alleged risk and everything was normal except of course the stations which had been bombed, and they were refitted in a few days.

The only photo I showed in my post was of the Atomium, only structure remaining from the Brussels World Fair in 1958, which I visited aged 16.

Karleen and me in a brass and copper themed bar
and another
got a waiter to take our pictures
Entrance to the European Parliament, with armed soldiers in the background and Karleen on the right
 Note the name Altiero Spinelli on a window. He was a Communist
The two soldiers  came forward, unhappy at me taking photos. Did I look like a terrorist?

the Town Hall


The Grand Palace, next to the Town Hall
The facade of House of the Dukes of Bravante in Brussels, Belgium (thanks to Tineye.com)
another shot of the Grand Palace
Karleen window-shopping
Looks like she bought something too
another shot of the Town Hall, I think
why this crowded square all facing left? Perhaps Good Friday, looking toward the Cathedral
on a sunnier day, with more shopping?
she still uses this bag
part of the Atomium, reflecting the ground on this sunny day
note the middle sphere has a window, and a staircase to go down, with a lift in the middle
oh, they all have windows
Expo ’58 at Heysel, Building 5, the only one surviving to this day, in Art Deco style
panoramic view
it was a chilly day
There’s a monument on the side
this is he
Adolphe Eugène Jean Henri Max (30 December 1869 – 6 November 1939) was a Belgian liberal politician and mayor of the City of Brussels from 1909 until his death. He was also an irregular freemason, an honorary Minister of State and a member of the Institut de France. (from Wikipedia)


in our hotel room in 2016
in Brussels
8 years earlier
You’re so vain (you’re so vain) I bet you think this post is about you Don’t you, don’t you?—with aoplogies to Carly Simon


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