Getting Out of Bed

“Cauda Equina Syndrome is a very rare but serious condition, where the bundle of nerves called the Cauda Equina at the bottom of the spine get compressed. The Cauda Equina control the function of the bladder and bowel, and the sensation to the skin of the genitals and bottom area.
The most common cause of compression to the Cauda Equina is a central disc prolapse . . .”
I’ve had the luxury and inconvenience of a hospital bed since returning home from a successful operation for the condition described above

the Invacare Etude, £1,235
Mattress £350

A man with a van came today to take away the bed and other equipment loaned to me by the NHS. I remarked the he has to be strong doing this kind of work. Yes, he said, but he’d had his share of misfortune and hospitalisation. You could see he was delighted to share bits of his life-story to listening ears. Yes it’s seductive. That’s what I’ve been doing here, in 745 posts over the years.

He’d broken his knee some years ago was taken to  a hospital A&E dept in great pain, had to wait for many stretched out across 3 seats in the waiting room covered in a thin rug. Same thing happened to me 2 years ago.

Then he’d had a stroke, a blood clot getting into his heart. He says he “died” for a while on the first night in hospital. He explained it as floating on high with no worries and cares. Weeks after an operation to save his life, he’d had to learn how to walk again. More weeks elapsed in which he had no memories at all. He’d been visited almost every day, until he was sufficiently recovered to be told, “This is your wife!”

I feel sure he somewhat embroidered his memories to make a good story.

Which leads me to the book we’ve just finished:

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