Life springs forth unstoppably

It’s the sixteenth day of my stay in Stoke Mandeville Hospital, world-famous for its treatment of spinal injuries and midwife to the Paraplegic Games, now incorporated into the Olympics..

In the early morning, after  the need of nursing help after an embarrassing incident and I was clean and fresh again, I looked online for views from any source on the value of prayer. It was like discovering an endless spring  in your own backyard. In the early morning, after  the need of nursing help after an embarrassing incident and I was clean and fresh again, I looked online for views from any source on the value of prayer. I had a sudden thought that sprang from within like a constant spring after lying in bed for 16 days, making good progress. Still skin and bones but eating like a manual worker to try and fatten up. The question is how do we reach this state? I think I’ve just found the answer:

  • To be proud of what I do and can do
  • To realize that we are all fragments of the same ground. If you are not offended by the words of the Bible you could call it *holy* ground,
  • Let us take a theological digression. I do not personally believe in Evil as an active force. When w observe we see that evil arises from several situations.
  • In one case it arises from  simple greed. In another it results from bad choices. This is the difference between  a dedicated career in crime and petty crime.
  • The psychopath is another category. At one end you have Alexander the Great Stalin Hitler and Putin.
  • At the other is the compulsive shoplifter who steals what the has no need of and is very distressed to be caught.
  • By holy I mean good and by good in most contexts I mean having the quality of God. Which is God.

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