Mother’s Day Visit

Three mothers celebrating: Karleen, Mom, me, Faye (youngest sister of Karleen)

In England, Mother’s Day was on Friday March 19th, a celebration for three Jamaican mothers who live in England. We’re not in a position to visit them in South-East London, as we don’t have a car any more. What with this and that, we weren’t able to meet up till last Saturday 20th May. We all had a great day. I shall tell the tale in pictures:

After hours of dominoes on the dining room table. Karleen’ gone into the kitchen to prepare a late lunch. Our guests live an hour away plus unexpected traffic, so arrived for a late breakfast. Lunch was mid-afternoon, then we sat in  the front room for several hours chatting about everything under the sun
Karleen’s Mom, 91 year old gardener
Mom, still gardening after 1 ½ hours
Ed, Mom, me, Faye
Ed and Faye, good friends. Thanks especially to Ed for inspiring this post

3 thoughts on “Mother’s Day Visit”

  1. Hey there, Vincent! Looks like you’re doing good. It’s been a while. Which is a shame. Keep getting distracted, trying to get my life back onto a track that my mind apparently refuses to accept is no longer in service. But it’s good to see that you’re enjoying time with family and friends. Clicking around and came across an old post of yours on Crime & Punishment that I hadn’t read before. Interesting observations. As always.


  2. Bryan wonderful to hear from you. But v sorry, if I get you correctly, if your mind cannot accept that your life is no longer in service. What? Like a car in a scrapyard?

    If so it’s a strange coincidence. I’ve been rendered virtually immobile and dependent on morphine and other painkillers. If it’s sciatica as Karleen suggests having been cured of hers by a procedure then there’s a chance of recovery but I don’t think so. It’s a spinal curvature I’ve always had but now worn out. When I can get to the computer I’ll have a story to tell… time to rest now Karleen says. I obey …


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