Friendly White Sheep

Sunset at Wheeler End, Christmas Day 2016
Sheep may safely graze” (click for Bach aria in separate tab)

Karleen & I were crossing this meadow on Christmas day, it being a mild winter and the grass still growing enough to be cropped by a flock of sheep. They mostly minded their own business and kept at a distance, except for this one. We thought at first she wanted something from us, perhaps some titbit, but it I like to think it was just friendliness.

9 thoughts on “Friendly White Sheep”

  1. Good link, Davoh. The sport of hawking is a prime example of co-operation between man and beast, and one of great complexity. But you’ll know more about this than I, who’ve never even owned a dog.


  2. Ah, canines … pains when they poop and/piss inappropriately (bit like humans .. heh). great when they hang around the house without any sort of ‘human’ judgement.


  3. Um … a probably inappropriate jest ….

    Lock yer wife and dog in the boot of yer car fer 3 hours ..
    See who’s happy to see you when you open it …


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