Around the neighbourhood

I thought I might have nothing to say today, but I managed to get out and take some photos of neighbouring streets in this part of the valley. The people in the Council Offices call it the “Heritage Factory District”. I call it home. It pleases them to put protection orders on derelict buildings simply because they are rare surviving examples of yesteryear.

a red kite, they fly above us all the time, it’s luck that I caught this one
my head in the clouds as usual
copper wires giving us connectivity on every street
A street like ours & parallel to it, with a typical old furniture factory at the other end. Note the Savonius wind turbine at far right, written up here
the view south from the end of our street
I wanted to capture chimneys on the skyline. The man doesn’t look pleased, but I didn’t stick around to discuss his rights to privacy

Final thought: sometimes Karleen says “where does all the time go?” and it gives me a strange thought, of a conveyor belt sending all the used-up days to landfill. The young people care only for tomorrow; while I try to save at least some yesterdays from oblivion.

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