The Golden Ball

On Sunday we went up the hill to see St Lawrence’s Church and the Dashwood Mausoleum.


The tower was open to visitors for a few hours. We climbed the tiny staircases inside, unchanged since they were built about 1760. We could lean over the railings to see the view on all sides
the Golden Ball, as seen from just below.

The Dashwood Mausoleum, where the ashes of Sir Francis Dashwood’s family are held


Some old houses in the village. The one on the right is a church hall, where ladies serve tea and cakes for fundraising. most Sundays

Here’s a view of part of the Dashwood Estate, with the House part hidden by trees. It’s administered by the National Trust, together with the village, though the Dashwood family still live in the house.

My town. Click to see full size picture. I’ve annotated a few landmarks, such as the Hospital where K works;, the Mosque, a few yards from our house; All Saints’ Church, next to the Market, in the middle of town

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