Profane influence

A reader of this blog and heaven-sent friend [Ghetu!], whose anonymity I shall defend to my last breath, unless he declares himself of his own accord, complains to me thus:

I have decided to stop reading your blog. It has such a profane influence on me that I have stopped thinking in the way I used to do.

I am more introvert now and trying to link up with the nature and the influence of surrounding environment in me is too much. I blame you.

I tried writing in my blog, but everything is coming out deep from the heart. And is very personal, all because of you.

I want to think and write about women, sex and all kinds of licentiousness. So, I think, I should not read your angelic blog anymore.

Bad influence.

It is to dear Ghetu that I dedicate a new post, which I am in the process of writing, which shall be all about sex.

A couple of times in this blog I have referred to my desire to write a sex therapy manual: not with the intention of helping anyone, I hasten to add, but in order to deride and mock existing manuals on this topic.

No one in my experience has enough experience to help others, unless inspired by the Holy Ghost. Not sure if the Holy Ghost exists, and if he does, not sure if he is up to dictating anything worthwhile about sex.

It is in the nature of erotic writing to be a stimulant to lasciviousness and licentiousness. Long may they live together and be fruitful, say I.

Accordingly, I publish this post with a promise to deliver the next, which shall be tantalizingly called “The Deck of Cards”. It shall treat of pornography; showing that it is not just a perversion of the human species but one which can infect the rest of the animal kingdom too. Together with some intimate confessions.

4 thoughts on “Profane influence”

  1. Your posts do inspire me to re-connect, if I am not there already. And when in such a state, honesty is the best policy.

    Intimacy is not easy to reveal in such a public way, whether it be with nature, with the universe, with people or with your sexual partner.

    You do it so well with only words and pictures to deliver your message.

    When it comes to advice in the realm of sexual intimacy, I think we can compare notes, but I would never advise anyone on the topic.

    There are too many variables, and our individuality and the individuality of our partner to consider.

    One size definitely does not fit all when it comes to sex. I am not referring only to physical size.

    I am referring to all the variables in technique, attraction, and all the levels of intimacy that can be revealed during sex. (There are many)


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